tingggal bersama bahasa Inggris
- bersama: common and shared; simultaneous; along; co; co-;
- bersama: common and shared; simultaneous; along; co; co-; communal; concerted; in association with; in conjunction (with); jointly; mutual; together; together with; united; corporate; accompany; and; common;
- ada bersama: be with
- He has lived there since the age of fifteen months, having previously lived with his parents in Godric's Hollow; however, since he began attending Hogwarts, he spends little time there, though he reluctantly returns during the summer holidays.
Tempat di mana Harry tingggal bersama bibi Petunia, paman Vernon, dan sepupu Dudley sejak berumur lima belas bulan, setelah sebelumnya tinggal bersama orangtuanya di Godric's Hollow; namun semenjak masuk ke Hogwarts, dengan rasa malas ia hanya menghabiskan sedikit waktu di sini selama liburan musim panas.